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Welcome to Bay Heights Improvement Association

About Us

According to the BHIA founding documents, the purpose of our voluntary association shall include, but are not limited to the following:


i) To foster and advance civic interest among its members


ii) To represent the residents of Bay Heights in matters of common interest which require organizational representation


iii) To sponsor improvement projects in Bay Heights


iv) To cope with community problems in Bay Heights such as school transportation, drainage; and sewage problems, police protection, beautification, etc.


v) To represent residents of Bay Heights in dealings with the city of Miami, Dade County, and other third parties as may be in the best interests of the residents;


vi) To receive, hold and dispose of funds of any kind, from public or private sources on behalf of said residents;


vii) To raise funds to support the aforementioned activities by obtaining government grants and aid, donations from private individuals, donations of money, property and in kind services from local businesses, and membership dues; and


viii) to do all such acts as are necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes set forth in these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation and as are permitted by law and the Code or its corresponding treasury Regulation for an entity which qualifies under Code § S0l(c) (3) .

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